Radiography Personal Statement Example

Science has always been a strong interest of mine and I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in the medical field. However, I was undecided as to what medical career until I attended an Aim Higher Science at Work conference at the University of Portsmouth. I was given an insight into several careers and demonstrations that represented them. Diagnostic Radiography really inspired me that day and it was at that point that I knew this was what I wanted to do. Since then, I have had the opportunity to gain a clear insight into Radiography through talking to my uncle, who is a qualified Diagnostic Radiographer, and I will be carrying out work experience with him after leaving college.

I believe my strong communication skills, patience, empathy and ability to problem solve, which are all important to a Radiographer, have been developed through both my part time job and work experience that I have completed. Working as a customer assistant has given me contact with a range of people and I have learnt how to work independently as well as part of a team. My work experience as a classroom assistant in a primary school has enabled me to adapt to working with young children and understanding their needs. I have applied for a job as a full time Radiographic Department Assistant, which if I get accepted for, I hope to do over the summer. Doing this would provide me with more knowledge and experience of Radiography.

Through A Level Applied Science I have studied a wide range of different aspects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, including a Physics unit on 'Working Waves' which is related to Radiography. I particularly found this unit fascinating and relevant to Radiography. Studying AS Business Studies has given me the opportunity to develop analytical skills which will be useful in a working environment.

Owning and successfully competing three horses in championships has developed a competitive streak in me as well as giving me a high level of responsibility and fitness.

The prospect of studying Radiography at university has truly motivated me to become part of a profession in the future. I hope to continue to enjoy my interest in sports by making use of the university's sports facilities such as the gym and the riding club. After completing the university course, I would eventually like to pursue a career in the NHS as a Diagnostic Radiographer.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by cbailey for application in 2008.

cbailey's Comments

I have only just applied for uni so I am applying late. I would appreciate comments to see what people think. Thanks.


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