Bible Reading Chapter Checklist

66 books, 1189 chapters. How many of us can truthfully say we've read all the Bible? One chapter, one more chapter - it is a slow process perhaps, but sure in the end to reach the goal. The goal is more than just a mechanical reading tho, it is to understand and put into practice its teaching. For this, we need to always remember to ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance each time before reading.

This checklist is designed to be printed on two sides of one sheet of paper to be folded and placed with the Bible so a check-mark can be placed quickly after reading a chapter. There are many ways to cover all the chapters. Since many people get bogged down in the Old Testament, perhaps it would be good to read one chapter in the Old Testament (929), then one in the New (260). Any way is good to keep the interest strong to continue reading until every chapter has a check-mark in it, and we can know that at least once in our lives we have read all the inspired words of God, and be blessed to want to read again, this holiest of all books - The Bible.

English Bible Reading Chapter Checklist รายการตรวจสอบบทอ่านพระคัมภีร์ไทย
Thai Bible Reading Chapter Checklist 中文圣经章节检查表
Chinese Bible Reading Chapter Checklist ខ្មែរអានព្រះគម្ពីរជំពូកបញ្ជី
Khmer (Cambodian) Bible Reading Chapter Checklist

Lista de comprobación de la lectura de los capítulos de la Biblia en español
Spanish Bible Reading Chapter Checklist

Lista de control de la lectura de los capítulos de la Biblia en portugués
Portuguese Bible Reading Chapter Checklist

Myanmar (Burmese) Bible Reading Chapter Checklist

Lista de verificare a capitolului de citire a Bibliei din România
Romanian Bible Reading Chapter Checklist

Daftar Periksa Bab BacaAn Alkitab Malaysia
Bahasa Malaysia (can be used in both Malaysia and Indonesia) Bible Reading Chapter Checklist